ADR Training Courses In Birmingham
ADR Training Courses are held regularly at our Birmingham Training Centre. Candidates attend remotely over zoom for the training element and attend the training centre on the Friday for the examinations. The examinations are computer-based multiple-choice tests with exam results on the same day. This gives candidates the time and cost benefits of attending from home while the in-center invigilated examinations maintain the integrity of the qualification.
Candidates attending the full Core, Packages, Tanks & 7 Classes study remotely for 4 days from home and attend the examination centre on the Friday. Candidates not requiring tanks study remotely Monday to Wednesday, attending the examinations on the Friday. Refresher candidates attend remotely Wednesday & Thursday, sitting the exams in-center on the Friday. Candidates attending these courses can claim 28 hours of Driver CPC uploads for the full 5-day course, 21 hours for the 4 days course, and 14 hours for the ADR refresher course by paying the £8.75 per day JAUPT upload fees.
ADR courses are also held locally at West Bromwich and Worcester.
There are also over 30 other Enterprise ADR Training Venues.
How To Find Us
There is plentiful free parking available on the road outside the building or the car park opposite.
Other Training Courses Available At Our Birmingham Centre
The Birmingham Training Centre is also a Transport Manager Examination Venue. Examinations are conducted quarterly for both the Road Haulage and Passenger Transport qualifications.
For Companies with larger candidate volumes, the venue can host ‘closed’ courses for Driver CPC, Transport Managers and Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors.